Factsheet: Impacts of the Israeli summer 2014 offensive on Gaza and reconstruction process delay on the youth sector

The most affected segment of the Palestinian society in Gaza of the humanitarian disaster is the youth. The reality of youth in Gaza is filled with deprivation, poverty, repression, violence and fear of the future.

The reality of youth in Gaza is fraught with deprivation, poverty, repression, violence and fear of the future. The humanitarian situation challenged by the Palestinians in general and the youth in particular in the Gaza Strip, is incompatible with the international conventions. Youth (15-29) years in Palestine constitute 30% of the population. 37.4% of them are adolescents aged (15-19) years and 62.6%  of the youth are aged (20-29)years.

Factors affecting the participation of youth in Gaza's reconstruction.

First: The political and legal framework

The absence of fair representation of youth in decision-making positions that constitute the Palestinian political system: 2.3% is the proportion of youth representation in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) and 6.5% is the proportion of youth representation in the municipal councils.

Political funding dependent on the political situation in the region: Gaza's reconstruction plan (Serry's plan).

The political system and reconstruction: internal political split and suspension of the regulatory and legislative institutions.

Laws, standards and decision governing the reconstruction process including those set the allowed materials and quantities of the materials allowed into the Gaza strip.  

 Second: Economic Framework and Enabling Environment.

Unemployment: The number of unemployed in the Gaza Strip reached 195 thousand; about 44% of the participants in the labor force (Aged 15 years old or over); 40% of them are males meanwhile 57% are females. The unemployment rate among individuals aged (20-29) years of those obtained diploma or BA in 2014 reached to 69.5% in the Gaza Strip.

Immigration: It is the main reason behind loss youth competencies and talented minds. One-third of the immigrants are in the age of (15 – 29) years. More than a third of the total immigrants are holder's of Bachelor's degrees. They make up over 35.7% of the immigrants.

 Youth Law Wage: The percentage of the private sector workers in Palestine; who are paid a monthly wage of less than the minimum (NIS 1450),  has reached 60% which equals 50700 workers with an average monthly wage of NIS 718. Meanwhile, 30% of the Palestinian youth lost their source of livelihood due to the last summer's Israeli offensive 2014.

 Female Labor Force's Poor Participation: The participation of males in the labor force in Palestine is four times more than female's participation. It reached 72% meanwhile females' participation reached 19% for several reasons including the social traditions and customs as well as the working environment's mismatch for females particularly in the industrial sector.

 Third: The Social and Cultural Context:

It means the prevailing culture in the society and the environment surrounding youth who live and co-exists with this culture which includes:

Volunteering: Male youth spend an average of an hour and 32 minutes to serve the civil society and help households.

Youth Movement: Some young people direct compass towards strengthening their development elements in some institutions, partisan and societal frameworks. Some youth joint these institutions and frameworks as an opportunity to express their political and societal views.

Youth Sector vision in reconstruction and development process in the Gaza Strip.

At the national and political levels:

  1. Put an immediate end to the state of the internal division.

  2. Appoint a unified central body to oversee the reconstruction process and form a national committee of competent and relevant ministries and representatives of civil society organizations as well as experts and specialists, to keep tabs on the reconstruction file.

  3. Not to compromise in the reconstruction file and keep the reconstruction process away from any political commitments and away from the stalled settlement with the Israeli occupation.

  4. Hold direct presidential, legislative and municipal elections.

  5. Remove the obstacles that limit the participation of youth in the political life (Candidacy age).

  6. Establish a national specialized center to gather information and figures about the reality of the Palestinian youth in the Gaza Strip.


  1. The reconstruction projects should rely on young people as a major force, to create a sustainable employment opportunities for these youth.

  2. Prepare studies and plans in partnership with employers considering skills development and labor market techniques, and conduct training programs for graduates in cooperation with academic and international institutions.

  3. Establish a dialogue between the representatives of economic sectors and the government, and enforce laws and regulations of labor and economics.

  4. Establish youth cooperatives, business, and environment-friendly industries.

  5. Focus on sectors that absorb large number of youth such as construction, agricultural and technological sector.

  6. Provide incubators for the developing youth projects especially technological projects by making distance work for other companies and institutions or by marketing for Palestinian companies as a competitor in the global market particularly in the field of software and information technology.

  7. Open Arab labor markets for the Palestinian graduates within control and rules, to absorb and provide the graduates with labor opportunities to work within temporary contracts in specified period to encourage vocational education.

Social and Cultural Level:

Stimulate higher education institutions to adopt a number of community volunteer hours within the institution's education plan, to develop the capabilities and skills and widen the experience of the youth in the Gaza Strip.

Put a clear plan for youth participation in volunteering and community service, and recruit funds for sustainable development projects, to serve young people and equip them with skills and experience.

Formulate government youth-friendly supporting policies in all relevant ministries.

Activate partnership between international community organizations and local organizations which goals and programs are convergent and complementary.

A Chronology of significant events that the Palestinian Youth witnessed over the past 25 years.

1989 - First Intifada (Uprising)

1996 – Al Nafaq Intifada.

2000 – Al- Aqsa Intifada.

2006/2007 – The Palestinian internal political division.

2008 – Operation Cast Lead - "Al-Furqan" Battle.

2012 – Operation Pillar of Cloud - "Stones of Shale"

2014 – Operation Protective Edge – Al-Asf al-Makul.       

Prepared by : The Youth Sector in the Palestinian NGO's Network.

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