The Israeli recent aggression on the Gaza Strip resulted in almost 2,000 injuries. Many of which are in urgent need to get the adequate health care outside of the Gaza Strip. Still Israeli occupying authorities continue to prevent Palestinian patients including cancer patients and people with chronic diseases access to health. These patients need urgent treatment in hospitals in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and within the Green Line, and any delay will worsen their health conditions.
- The Health Sector at PNGO calls upon the international community to put pressure on the Israeli occupying authorities to open the crossings to allow safe passage of Gaza patients and their companions.
- We also on all stakeholders to address urgent health needs including medical supplies and equipment to the Gaza Strip so that no one is left behind.
- The Health Sector continues to be depleted due the 14 years closure on Gaza, add to it the 11 days brutal aggression by the Israeli occupying forces, in addition to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
- Now more than ever, serious hard actions are needed to address the root cause of this man-made humanitarian crisis by lifting the closure of the Gaza Strip and ending occupation.