Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development organized community awareness sessions


The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development organized community awareness sessions in Dahriya and Shyoukh towns in Hebron Governorate at the end of June 2022. The sessions tackled the issue of gender- based violence (GBV) in the work environment and were attended by 28 women.

Discussions during the sessions included several topics: Palestinian Labor Law, work hours, vacations, women’s rights in the labor market, economic GBV, various forms of GBV (psychological, physical, verbal), eliminating GBV, and the international conventions adopted by the ILO regarding the labor rights of women.

Participants recommended conducting educational activities for cooperatives’ employees about sexual harassment in the work environment, as well as involving the Ministry of Labor and labor inspectors in educational sessions about women’s rights in workplaces.

These sessions were implemented within the framework of the “Gender Equality in the Economic Sphere: Our Right, Our Priority” project, funded by the European Union and implemented jointly by DWRC, PWWSD, EducAid, and COSPE.


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