Palestinian Education Coalition: Recent aggression is a crime requires realization of protection for educational institutions under conflict

The Palestinian Education Coalition condemns recent aggression on Gaza Strip that has shown a clear disregard for the lives of the civilian and direct violations of the right to education that is repeated in every aggression against Gaza Strip.

Despite the recent aggression that lasted only for three days, the coalition believes that its effect on education have been severe in terms of martyrdom of 6 students and damage of 15 schools, and schools were disrupted for three days

The Coalition calls international community to stand up to its responsibility in protecting right to education in Palestine, in accordance to UN commitments to implement required measurements in situation of education under conflict  and a need for a clear UN positions in this area that put a pressure on occupation authorities to neutralize educational institutions in time of conflict.

The recent aggression has led to other damages that is not less serious on education process and related to psychological and disorders that accompany in their behavior and conditions of children who just returned back to their schools, which is the responsibility of international community since its stand helpless (unable) to protecting civilian facilities that have nothing to do with conflict and unable to find child protecting mechanisms and imposing sanctions on those who cause them, which facilitating their targeting in every aggression.

As Palestinian Education Coalition considers very seriously the situations in Gaza Strip and increasing attacks on educational institutions that cause suspension the educational process is a huge violations to right to education, therefore the coalition calls for the following:

First: UN intervened urgently to pressure on occupation authorities to stop their attacks on Palestinian territories and provide international protection for Palestinian People.

Second: to provide international protection for educational institutions and ensuring keeping the right to education for Palestinian children, and to pledge not to repeat attacks on educational process.

Third: to form investigation committees in violations against educational institutions.

Fourth: the Coalition calls for the UN Special Rapporteur to make urgent visit to Gaza and open direct investigation into targeting educational institutions and to work for a clear UN position on this.

Finally: the Coalition calls President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minster Dr. Mohamad Eshtia to instruct legal and human rights teams to quickly complete a criminal file integrated on the crimes committed, including crimes related to the right to education, and to work to prosecute the occupation state criminally according to what international law requires in this context.


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